© 2015 Simeon Rowsell. All rights reserved.

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Bristol-built websites with a Bristol kind of conscience


I pride myself on working ethically and environmentally friendly wherever possible, ensuring my office power is from 100% renewable British energy (thanks, Good Energy), offering web hosting on UK based, renewable energy powered servers and making my business cards both from recycled materials and recyclable themselves.

I am always on the lookout for new and improved ways to make sure my business has as minimal an impact on the environment as possible.


In my day-to-day I make sure I’m honest and fair in all I do, so there’s no reason that shouldn’t carry over into my professional life, right?

While having enough in the bank is required for me to eat good food and keep my Netflix subscription active, money isn’t my sole purpose or my aim. I’ll always be fair, open and honest with you for the good of your day-to-day: and mine too.


I believe the arts are crucial to a healthy mind, healthy community and healthy wider society. Therefore I particularly enjoy working with the various arts sectors to make sure the web works for them.

Being a regular at music gigs, theatres and cinemas also allows me to draw inspiration from an array of creative arts and seeking out the new and alternative of these enables me to tackle your project with fresh ideas.


I live in the vibrant centre of Bristol where you can find me in one of its many theatres, cinemas, gig venues or pubs. I enjoy singing Sondheim, eating anything veggie with chipotle and seeing the backs of houses from a train.


Teammates is the way I like to think about it, rather than client and contractor, because collaboration is the key to success, whatever the project. Regular communication ensures that your all important goals and preferences are at the forefront throughout.

There’s no cost for us to meet up and have a chat so why not get in touch - I might even buy you a coffee!

I want a coffee